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Posts tagged as “Business Strategy”

SAP goes all remote while Apple splits

SAP is moving to flexible working for its 100,000 employees, particularly based on feedback from 94% of staff who wanted the greater working flexibility.    Nearly…

Let’s learn from a SMB Tech Stack

My weekend thought provoking article.   ZDNet has published their “SMB Stack” for 2021.     It’s a free eBook, and has lots of items clearly designed to…

Amazon’s shift on lawsuits

Amazon recently changed its terms of service – and now allows customers to bring lawsuits against the company rather than having to go through arbitration.   …

Lessons from Gen Z

Here’s your esoteric piece for the weekend.  I nixed talking about Facebook’s change in their algorithms – they’re now not amplifying users who provide misinformation…

The FCC comes out with a bold statement

Big Tech should help pay to close the broadband gap, FCC commissioner Brendan Carr said in a commentary piece for Newsweek: "Big Tech has been…

Federal Employees are going remote permanently

In a sign that things really have changed, the Washington Post has an examination of the change for federal workers around work from home.     The…