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Federal Employees are going remote permanently

In a sign that things really have changed, the Washington Post has an examination of the change for federal workers around work from home.     The Biden Administration is working on changes to the telework policies for federal agencies, expected to be a hybrid option of in-person and at-home option.    This is expected to be announced in June.  Individual agencies will be able to determine their own needs, though the endorsement of a work-from-home culture is significant.

Per a survey of federal workers, the share of telework every day was 3 percent before the pandemic.. and 59 percent at its peak last year.       The hope is to be able to recruit more widely around the country as well as bring in younger talent as well.      Challenges will include the federal real estate footprint and pay discrepancies across regions.   

Why do we care?

As a long time Washington region resident, I can tell those of you who aren’t from here what a big cultural change this is.     The challenges of a dispersed workforce for the federal government are similar to what private businesses face, but so is the upside.  

It also should be a clear indication that if an organization considered as “traditional” as the federal government is adapting, then the bar has raised for competition on work.   A federal job is often a good one – a career track, solid employment, and great benefits.  And now, it could be available anywhere in the country, not just in the DC metro area.