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The Business of Tech

Zoom coming to Nest, Echo and Portal

Zoom is coming to Google Nest, Amazon Echo, and Facebook Portal smart displays.     The company has announced that the rollout will happen later this year.…

Zero Trust Architecture: There is opportunity here

Highlighting a blog post today by KuppingerCole over on MSSP Alert, which digs into the recently released NIST “Zero Trust Architecture” publication.      It’s a great…

The rush on laptops impacts education

That rush on laptops as the world pivoted to work from home, combined with manufacturing and distribution slowdowns in China?    It’s causing a problem for…

Broadband Speeds in the Pandemic

Laptops are only once piece – connectivity the other. Broadband search has provided some new insights into internet speeds.    Highlights of their research: Ninety-nine out…

Cloud Channels Analysis: Retail and Ecommerce Leader

Data analyst Canalys has released their Cloud Channels Analysis Service, looking at the top cloud service providers performance in the retail and ecommerce sectors.    Their…

Epic v Apple Escalates

An update on that battle between Epic Games and Apple.      Apple is threatening to terminate Epic’s developer account in two weeks if they do not…

NinjaRMM announces Ninja Data Protection

NinjaRMM has launched Ninja Data Protection, which is a home-grown backup and disaster recovery platform for providers. Why do we care? I’m including this story…