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Posts tagged as “Regulation”

ASCII Group Expands benefits

The ASCII Group has added online healthcare to its membership benefits.  Offered in conjunction with a national agency, the telehealth service will give ASCII’s more…

Portland comes down hard on facial recognition

The City of Portland has passed legislation that bans government AND private use of facial recognition, becoming the strongest ban nationally enforced by local lawmakers.     …

Insurance and Regulation: How the Two Connect

An interview with Joseph Brunsman around Insurance and Regulation. Joseph is a cybersecurity expert and insurance broker and we discuss why insurers are going to…

How many impacted by Privacy Shield?

As reported last week, the EU struck down the EU-US privacy shield, saying the framework does not adequately protect European users from the US government.   …

Will the insurance companies come for us?

I want to highlight a piece in CIO Dive that released last week.     Headlined, “Are businesses covered if their service provider is hit by ransomware?”,…