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Posts tagged as “Newsletter”

NATO ups their warfare game

NATO has conducted its first wargame exercise that includes cyber risk.     Per the Wall Street Journal,  the wargame “ includes scenarios exploring how widespread attacks on…

Amazon’s racial and gender data

Amazon has released data on their racial and gender makeup.    As of Dec 31, the company is 31.4% female, 7.2% black, and 47% White.    The…

The FBI accesses Exchange Servers proactively

So… the FBI got court approval to access Exchange Servers around the US that were vulnerable to attack.  And they did.   They removed web shells…

IDC says MSPs aren’t going back to pre-pandemic

IDC has a seemingly bold statement – the MSP market will never return to its pre-COVID-19 ways of doing business.     That’s from Stuart Wilson, research…

Licensing partner sues Microsoft

In the UK, a Microsoft reseller is suing for 270 million pounds in damages for allegedly trying to destroy its business with incentives to customers…

T-Mobile, Best Buy consumer moves to watch

T-Mobile, besides launching their new home internet service, also launched a program to open new retail stores in small U.S. towns, and is adding “Hometown…

Augmented Reality gets real

Let’s visit a story that broke late last week to give it the spotlight it deserves.   Microsoft has won a contract with the US army…