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The Business of Tech

Overconfidence in work from home security

Malwarebytes with what is always catnip for me, data.  Surveying 200 IT and cybersecurity decision makers, the results show high level of confidence in the…

Remote work – what’s the SMB opportunity?

TechAisle with some research data into remote work.  Quoting from the research: Pre-pandemic, 24% of SMB global workforce was mobile. Today, the number has jumped…

Ecommerce accelerates ten years in three months

Meanwhile, new data reported by Benedict Evans shows the acceleration of previous trends brought on by the pandemic.   In this case, it’s the rise of…

Zoom coming to Nest, Echo and Portal

Zoom is coming to Google Nest, Amazon Echo, and Facebook Portal smart displays.     The company has announced that the rollout will happen later this year.…

Zero Trust Architecture: There is opportunity here

Highlighting a blog post today by KuppingerCole over on MSSP Alert, which digs into the recently released NIST “Zero Trust Architecture” publication.      It’s a great…

The rush on laptops impacts education

That rush on laptops as the world pivoted to work from home, combined with manufacturing and distribution slowdowns in China?    It’s causing a problem for…