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The Business of Tech

A security update – and people are dying

As a followup to the Microsoft Autodiscover problem from last week, Microsoft is registering a variety of domains .. .like, .uk, and .de.   Despite…

Did you know about weeks of outages in VoIP?

So… I don’t generally cover outages.    A cloud outage, like Microsoft 365 or AWS is generally resolved by the time the pod is released.     That…

Digital trust and privacy — a hurt and a help factor

Ping Identity asked Consumers about their experiences signing up for websites and how it reflects attitudes towards online privacy.   77% of respondents have already abandoned…

All the security stuff, and the stress it causes

“Hackers don’t break in, they log in,” WatchGuard’s CSO said last week at the Channel Company’s Midsized Enterprise Summit,  explaining why multi-factor authentication is critical…