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Posts tagged as “Security”

Kaseya 2020 MSP Benchmark Survey results

Kaseya has released their 2020 MSP Benchmark Survey.  The report lists six key themes.  Quoting the report: MSP customers, especially small businesses, have been facing…

Security may be worse than we think for SMBs

A new survey by Devolutions on the SMB cybersecurity market across a variety of industries, including IT, health care, education and finance 78% of SMBs said…

What’s the human impact of security?

Let’s talk a bit about the human side of security. Sophos with some new research that looks at the human side of the story. By…

Transportation agencies are lacking cybersecurity

More data on cybersecurity – new research from the Mineta Transportation Institute indicates that US transit agencies are “ill prepared” for a cyberattack. Quoting CIO…

A botnet that wipes everything

A quick security story – a newly discovered botnet contains code that can wipe all data from infected systems, such as routers, servers, and IoT…

CompTIA’s latest research on cybersecurity

That leads us into some new data from CompTIA, diving into cybersecurity: Eight in 10 organizations said their cybersecurity practices are improving. 42% of companies…

Risk in coronavirus theatre, similar to cybersecurity

IDC Canada with some useful insights about the return to work – most businesses there are favoring “coronavirus theatre” by “prioritizing digital thermometer checkpoints instead…