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The Business of Tech

AWS tells us what happened with that outage

And while we’re on internet-stopping issues, Amazon Web Services has explained what happened with their recent outage.      An automated process in the Northern Virginia, US-EAST-1…

O’Reilly asked about Cloud Adoption

So looking forward, O’Reilly’s 2021 Cloud Adoption survey gives some directional data.   90% of respondents report that their organizations use cloud computing, up from 88%…

What surveillance of employees does to morale

While I’m talking people today, I wanted to break this story on its own.   Quoting extensively from ZDNet. A report by the European Commission's Joint…

Cyber criminals have their own justice system

1Password released some research linking the challenge of remote working to staff burnout, thus reducing attention to security guidance.  Quoting ZDNet, According to the survey,…

Amazon’s new top-secret region

Short story of note to my government and government adjacent listeners.   Amazon Web Services has announced a section “Top Secret” cloud region.    Called AWS Top…

How many people are online?

New stats from the UN’s International Telecommunication Union.    The percentage of the global population using the internet surged from 54% to 63% between 2019 and…