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Posts published in “Podcast Story”

Why patch delays happen and two new tools from CISA

CompTIA’s State of Cybersecurity report -- Three in 10 survey respondents said they are “completely satisfied” with their organization’s approach to cybersecurity, while 27% feel…

Job listings with vaccine mandates up a lot

Job postings requiring employees to get vaccinated before applying are on the rise, and more and more firms say they'll terminate existing employees who refuse.    The…

Microsoft’s insurance move that foreshadows the future

How about another entrant to cyber insurance?   Microsoft has announced a partnership with At-Bay to “create superior and data-driven cyber insurance products backed by Microsoft's…

A security update – and people are dying

As a followup to the Microsoft Autodiscover problem from last week, Microsoft is registering a variety of domains .. .like, .uk, and .de.   Despite…