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The Business of Tech

The Internet Associations’ demise

This one is from Politico.    Quoting directly. The Internet Association, once branded as Silicon Valley’s most important trade group in Washington, announced Wednesday that it…

Who wants that hybrid work?

Want a bit of summary of the confusion on the return to work - -thanks, Axios.     Quoting extensively. In the 22 months since U.S. companies sent…

The new EO focused on customer experiences

From the Washington Post, President Biden on Monday signed an executive order seeking to streamline and modernize a vast array of government services that directly…

A second Log4J vulnerability

I have a feeling Log4J will be a topic to update for a few days.  Some new headlines. CheckPoint software is reporting more than 800,000…

Cyberinsurance stats from annual study

How about some cyber insurance stats?  Thanks to listener Steve, I was tipped off to the NetDiligence 2021 Annual Cyber Claims Study.   99% of the…

AWS tells us what happened with that outage

And while we’re on internet-stopping issues, Amazon Web Services has explained what happened with their recent outage.      An automated process in the Northern Virginia, US-EAST-1…