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Posts published in “Featured Story”

The UK implements mandatory reporting for MSPs

The UK government is introducing a new mandatory reporting obligation on managed service providers (MSPs) to disclose cyber incidents, alongside minimum security requirements, which could…

Is the doom and gloom on jobs off-target?

Despite all the gloom and doom around jobs… it seems American employees aren’t that worried.    Across all income groups, the share of U.S. adults who…

Gartner says you’re doing hybrid work wrong

After the long weekend, I told myself I’d look for new stories.  Which, of course, means that two catnip-infused storylines I’ve been following had to…

Holiday security warnings roll in

With the US Thanksgiving holiday upon us and the holiday season starting, warnings are coming for an increase in retail-focused cyberscams.     Phony deals are expected…

CompTIA’s 2023 Outlook Report

CompTIA released its Outlook 2023 report.     Let’s run through it.    The first item, Business As Usual Gets a Hard Reality Check, is a key one. …