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Posts tagged as “Security”

Cyber criminals have their own justice system

1Password released some research linking the challenge of remote working to staff burnout, thus reducing attention to security guidance.  Quoting ZDNet, According to the survey,…

A round of significant breaches to review

Let’s hit a few breaches. Planned Parenthood LA was hit with a ransomware attack in October, exposing info for four hundred thousand patients.  The breach…

An insider job at Ubiquiti, plus new creative attacks

In vulnerability madness, here’s two good ones.  Security researchers have found hardware and software vulnerabilities in HP multi-function printers that could be used to steal…

The RoR ratio, and why you care

The Emotet botnet is back.    Another malware botnet, TrickBot, is being used to install Emotet.  This after a takedown back in April.   Also news –…