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Posts tagged as “Security”

Holiday security warnings roll in

With the US Thanksgiving holiday upon us and the holiday season starting, warnings are coming for an increase in retail-focused cyberscams.     Phony deals are expected…

Could breaches impact a credit score?

Hornetsecurity, in a new survey, revealed that 40.5% of work emails are unwanted. The Cyber Security Report 2023, which analyzed over 25 billion work emails,…

CISA’s new cybersecurity performance goals

Some new resources out of CISA.   On Thursday, they released their list of voluntary "cybersecurity performance goals” detailing what security practices critical infrastructure operators should…

AD servers are spewing DDoS attacks

Ars Technica covers a recently published research from Black Lotus Labs, the research arm of networking and application technology company Lumen, which identified more than 12,000 servers—all…

The US’s cyber unit in Ukraine

I did a piece focused on leveraging Seal Team Six against ransomware. The premise: That cybercrime is such a safety issue that it could require…

Ransom payments vary by industry – how much?

Victims of ransomware attacks in the manufacturing and production industry are making the biggest ransom payments, with the average ransom demand paid coming in at…